Holy Smoke Resort

Map to HolySmoke Resort

Holy Smoke Resort, located 1.5 miles North of Keystone, SD, provides spacious, modern Black Hills lodging close to Mount Rushmore National Memorial, Crazy Horse National Memorial and other top area attractions.

Directions to Holy Smoke Resort via I-90:

  • Take Exit 61 at the Flying J Travel Plaza
  • Follow the signs to Mt. Rushmore and Crazy Horse
  • Follow Hwy-16 West until you reach the 16A sign for Mt. Rushmore
  • Move into the left lane and exit onto 16A
  • The Holy Smoke Resort office is located on your right after entering the RV Park, which is the 5th right turn on 16A

Black Hills Attractions

Holy Smoke Resort is located near some of the best family-friendly attractions, dining and entertainment that western South Dakota has to offer. We are situated only minutes from Mount Rushmore, and a variety of outdoor adventures are available right outside your door. Our location and ability to host large groups makes us the ideal location for family reunions and wedding parties.