Holy Smoke Resort

Places to Shop

Holy Smoke Resort Gift Shop

Our Gift Shop features hand-made sterling silver Native American jewelry, handbags and much more.


Phone: 605-666-4616

Address: 24105 Hwy 16A, Keystone, SD 57751


Iron Creek Leather & Gifts

Men’s & Women’s Riding Leather, Seasonal Leather, Boutique Clothing, Native American Jewelry, Gifts, Youth Gifts.

Phone: 605-666-4732

Address: 126 Winter St., Keystone, SD 57751

Website: http://www.ironcreeklelather.com


Jewel Of The West

This locally-owned clothing boutique stocks women’s clothing with jewelry, shoes and handbags to match.

Phone: 605.574.2464

Address: 208 Main St., Hill City, SD 57745

Website: https://jewelofthewest.com

Christmas Village

The Christmas Place of the Black Hills on Hwy. 16 to Mount Rushmore. A fun and amazing 7000 square foot Christmas store with much more!

Phone: 605-343-3440

Address: 13648 S Hwy 16, Rapid City, SD 57751

Website: http://www.christmasvillagestore.com



Black Hills Glass Blowers

Glass art made and sold on location.

Phone: 605-666-4542

Address: 909 Old Hill City Rd., Keystone, SD 57751

Website: http://www.blackhillsglassblowers.com