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Celebrating Earth Day

In a world increasingly anxious with environmental challenges, Earth Day stands as a symbol of awareness and action. Since its beginning in 1970, this annual event has served as a rallying cry for environmental protection and sustainability. As we confront issues like pollution and habitat destruction, Earth Day forces us to reflect on our relationship with the planet and the urgency of our collective responsibility. We’ll dive into the roots of Earth Day, its evolution, and why it remains as crucial as ever in inspiring physical change for the betterment of our environment.

History of Earth Day
Our planet is more beautiful than we give it credit for, but it needs our help to survive and thrive! That’s why each year on April 22nd, more than a billion people get together to celebrate Earth Day to protect our planet from things very common such as pollution and deforestation. By participating in cleaning up like picking up trash and litter and planting trees, we should be working together to make our world a happier, healthier place to live.

The first Earth Day was celebrated in 1970, when a senator in Wisconsin had organized a national demonstration to increase awareness about the environmental issues that were currently happening. Rallies and events took place across the country and by the end of the year, the U.S. government created the Environmental Protection Agency. By 1990, Earth Day was celebrated all over the world.

You can celebrate and protect the planet at the same time. Just implementing these small things into your everyday life help save the planet any time of year.

Pick up after Yourself

Each year, Americans fill enough garbage trucks that can measure up to stretching halfway to the moon. It takes about two months for cardboard toilet paper tubes to decompose in a landfill, while a plastic bottle can persist for over 450 years. However, rather than discarding these items, they can be recycled into something useful, like a telescope or a flower planter. Before disposing of anything, consider whether it can be recycled or repurposed. Additionally, reducing consumption can minimize waste. For instance, instead of buying a new book, consider borrowing it from the library before heading to the store.

Plant A Tree

Each year, an estimated 15 billion trees worldwide have been cut down, reducing the importance of tree planting advantages. By planting a tree, you contribute to helping fix this loss. Trees play a vital role in absorbing carbon dioxide and replenishing the atmosphere with oxygen, essential for human inhalation. Additionally, they serve as habitats and food sources for various wildlife, from squirrels to owls. Furthermore, strategically planting trees can mitigate the need for excessive air conditioning by providing natural shade during warmer months.

Turn Off Your Lights

Is it necessary to have the lamp lit when sunlight floods the room? Electricity isn’t a limitless resource; it’s generated from various elements around us. Often, it’s derived from fossil fuels like coal, oil, or natural gas, which significantly impact climate change. However, renewable sources such as wind, water, solar energy, and even unconventional ones like elephant feces can also power our needs sustainably. Regardless of its origin, conserving electrical energy is crucial. Let’s prioritize using only the necessary amount to minimize our ecological footprint and turning your lights off if you’re not in the room.

Less Water Usage

Although it may appear abundant, clean and drinkable water is actually a scarce product. Surprisingly, less than one percent of the Earth’s water is readily available for human consumption, with the majority being either too salty or challenging to access. Small actions like turning off the faucet while brushing your teeth can save up to eight gallons of water daily. Additionally, consider reducing your shower time as another means to conserve water, while still ensuring cleanliness. Every effort counts in preserving this precious resource.

Be a Part of the Solution

Engage in conversations with your friends and family about your eco-friendly plans and encourage their participation. Need a conversation starter? Organize a gathering to reconnect with nature through one of our “Get Outside” challenges or explore additional green tips together. Remember, the more individuals involved, the greater positive impact we can make on our planet’s well-being!